Monday, March 7, 2011

DearS - 1


Episode 1 ...for real this time.

So far, my fan service senses are tingling. Naked chicks, chains, girls kissing..and that's just the opening.

If you can't read this then please click to make bigger. What have I gotten myself in to? I'm trying to convince myself this isn't porn. I know it's not but still, after watching the teacher in the classroom I feel dirty. Anyways, lets leave that behind us, so far the story is that a year before the series starts, a space ship carrying aliens crashed on our planet. They've learned the Japanese customs, language, and have earned citizenship. Main character is kinda like me in the fact that he needs 5 alarm clocks to wake up, but he seems disinterested in the DearS (name of the aliens) completely. On his way home he runs across one who goes E.T. on his face then proceeds to follow him after declaring herself his slave. Did I mention the fact that she has magically appearing clothes that seem to keep turning on and off? (we even get a transformation sequence) One shower scene and waking up beside naked alien later we have this ...

That's the text book btw, for those who aren't paying attention. This is not a porno, this is not a porno! And for those who are curious about the DearS living with our main character here she is, I even got a shot with her saying her name, aren't I nice?

Or just lazy cuz I didn't wanna write her name. So yeah, he calls her Ren.

My thoughts on this so far? It has potential, and the porn wannabe stuff is kinda funny, we'll see.

That's the teacher btw.

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