Tuesday, March 8, 2011

DearS - 6


Episode 6

Oh hai there, welcome to the halfway point.

So Miu is feeling frustrated because she is not able to serve the people she is staying with in any way. They do all the chores and ask nothing of her. She runs across Ren and team on the way to school and takes it out on her. Let's go to school and see how they are doing, shall we?

...on second thought...So Miu decides she will teach Ren in the ways of the DearS. She cooks a meal while Ren watches and then decides to decorate the place to make it more relaxing for the main character. 

Maybe more relaxing for a girl but I don't think the stuffed animals and flowers are his thing. 
The hunt is on to capture Ren since she is defective and another character enters the team.

After making it halfway I'll say that this show is cute so far. The teacher is funny, in a sexual harassment kinda way, Ren is clueless, and Miu is a bit bossy. We'll see how things go.

DearS - 5


Episode 5


Miu lets the main character know exactly what Ren being his slave means. The teacher would probably be into that.

Ahem.....moving on. Miu calls Ren's incompetence an annoyance. 

(...that pic's half cute, half creepy)  Miu tries to teach Ren how to clean in the classroom, and while trying to help, Ren floats everything in the room. This winds up getting someone hurt when she is told to stop and we again see the E.T. affect on said injured person. 

Miu winds up reporting Ren for being imperfect and there is talk of retraining her. 

DearS - 4


Episode 4

Just sayin hi again...

Teach is even saying hi to herself, what a friendly group of people.

Well, the real student (Miu) shows up and challenges Ren to a competition to see who should stay as the DearS transfer student. Turns out Ren fails at everything including cooking. Miu sees students passing out after tasting Ren's cooking and decides she loses because Ren's food is so good it makes you faint. However everyone decides both should stay.


DearS - 3


Episode 3

And next we have Japanese cooking.

In this one we are introduced to another DearS who is going to be joining the class. And since I'm not gonna write her name, here you go...


Unfortunately there is a confusion that happens and the school thinks Ren is the new student instead of this chick. (who we will call Miu)

DearS - 2


Episode 2

Let's get things started with the Japanese way of saying hello.


Nothing like a friendly molestation to break the ice. 

Even the mannequins say hello. So in this ep they decide to find Ren some clothes, who do they run into in the underwear store? 


If you guessed teacher, you would be correct. So after a misunderstanding is settled They all head home with Ren's new clothes. However in a side story we are told that DearS are basically just slaves. Slaves to who though?

Monday, March 7, 2011

DearS - 1


Episode 1 ...for real this time.

So far, my fan service senses are tingling. Naked chicks, chains, girls kissing..and that's just the opening. Wait...wtf?

If you can't read this then please click to make bigger. What have I gotten myself in to? I'm trying to convince myself this isn't porn. I know it's not but still, after watching the teacher in the classroom I feel dirty. Anyways, lets leave that behind us, so far the story is that a year before the series starts, a space ship carrying aliens crashed on our planet. They've learned the Japanese customs, language, and have earned citizenship. Main character is kinda like me in the fact that he needs 5 alarm clocks to wake up, but he seems disinterested in the DearS (name of the aliens) completely. On his way home he runs across one who goes E.T. on his face then proceeds to follow him after declaring herself his slave. Did I mention the fact that she has magically appearing clothes that seem to keep turning on and off? (we even get a transformation sequence) One shower scene and waking up beside naked alien later we have this ...

That's the text book btw, for those who aren't paying attention. This is not a porno, this is not a porno! And for those who are curious about the DearS living with our main character here she is, I even got a shot with her saying her name, aren't I nice?

Or just lazy cuz I didn't wanna write her name. So yeah, he calls her Ren.

My thoughts on this so far? It has potential, and the porn wannabe stuff is kinda funny, we'll see.

That's the teacher btw.

DearS - 0

So I'm gonna start off my anime watching with a short one. The purpose of this is for me to post stuff after each ep or so, hopefully this will make me finish some of the stuff I've started, and if it gets someone interested to watch it then all the better. 


Episode 1 ...or 0 in this case.

Ok so, ep 0 is nothing more than a short music video typa thing. I have a feeling that this is gonna be a fan service show...

...I don't know what gave me this idea, just a hunch I guess -_-