Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Chobits - 2


Episode 2

Episode 2 begins with our Hideki waking up beside his new persocom, and freaking out just a bit 'till he remembers. He doesn't quite know what to do with any persocom.

 Much less one that can only say one word and copies his movements or stares at him. His neighbor Shinbo comes over and hooks her up to a tv to see her OS and specs, but all it says is no data. She shouldn't be able to move without an OS. When he hooks Sumomo up to her, the little laptop goes crazy and breaks. Shinbo tells him she's probably custom made and sends him out to meet a computer whiz. On the way out they meet the manager, who offers the persocom some clothing so she doesn't hafta walk around in Hideki's clothes. Enter, new character.

Kokubunji Minoru, and...

his persocoms. He's a dirty minded little boy when it comes to dressing his comps. He hooks the four up to Hideki's persocom, but she fries them all. His last resort is Yuzuki, a special perscom he built himself. He's reluctant, but she convinces him and hooks up with the persocom.

Yuzuki survives, but part of her data crashes. Minoru is just happy that her personality data is intact. Yuzuki tells them that she can't tell if she has an OS due to her data protection. Minoru responds by saying she may be a persocom from the Chobits line. Chobits are legendary persocoms that can move on there own will. They are urban legends floating around the internet. He says he'll look into it, and on their way out he tells Hideki not fall in love with her if he doesn't want to cry later. He goes back home with her, and gets new clothes from the manager. He also then names her Chi.

Chobits - 1


Episode 1

So, here we are, fresh with a new anime, one that doesn't suck ass. It starts off with a simple farm boy wanting to go to college. Unfortunately...

He fails hard. Maybe if he spent less time with his cows?

Just sayin'... Anyways, he decides to go to Tokyo to a prep school and cram until he gets in. One interesting thing you need to know about this world is that the personal computers (persocoms) look like this...

That's right, they are designed to look human, they walk, they talk, everything. Our main character, Hideki, has a problem with talking to himself...more like shouting his thoughts out loud. For example, while lamenting the outrageous price of persocoms he shouts that he wants to check his email and surf porn sites, right in front of...

his new landlady, Hibiya Chitose. Then we have his neighbor...

Shinbo Hiromu, and that adorable little thing on his shoulder is a "laptop" or mobile persocom named Sumomo and yes, I want one severely. While walking home one night and lamenting the fact that he is broke and that there would never be a persocom just laying around for him to take, he stumbles upon this...

And since this persocom is in the trash he helps himself, and proceeds to drag her extremely heavy body home with him, dropping a shiny disk that she came with in the process. Once he gets her home, he then has the problem of how to turn her on. He pushes everything he can push, and there's only one place left...

 yeah, in there. He turns her on (ha, pun not intended) and she comes to life. Only problem is, the only thing she can say is "chi" He wraps her in a towel and tries to hide her, but when the manager comes by she sees the persocom just in time for her to lose her towel, but she takes it in stride. The persocom copies Hideki's movements and gives him nosebleeds when she copies the poses she sees in his porn mags while she's wearing his shirt.

End of episode 1. It's a cute show, but it's been a long time since I've watched it, so I'm along for this ride as well.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I Can't

I just can't. 

Screw DearS, I've left this blog for a long long time cuz SCREW DearS! I'll start again with something else. Let's try Chobits! I've seen this show before, I remember liking it, I've read the manga, let's go!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

DearS - 7




Hi there, been a while. 

So the main character's step sister shows up and decides to stay with him for a bit. She's excited about the DearS and even more excited when she notices Ren. 


They all go on a trip to the crashed spaceship and who do they run in to? 

Ren starts learning what a family is.
However, once Ren spills that she's the main character's slave sis goes crazy. She orders Ren to leave or she will leave. 

Someone seems to have a brother complex. She even follows him to school to get an explanation, where the teacher tries to explain that nothing bad is going on.

This only serves to make it worse. And as little sis keeps making demands for Ren to leave, the main character finally goes off on her. She runs off and runs into her mother. It turns out that his family is moving back to Japan and that little sis had ran off ahead of everyone, mom drags her back and they all make up at the airport.

Miu misses school and is thinking about dropping out.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

DearS - 6


Episode 6

Oh hai there, welcome to the halfway point.

So Miu is feeling frustrated because she is not able to serve the people she is staying with in any way. They do all the chores and ask nothing of her. She runs across Ren and team on the way to school and takes it out on her. Let's go to school and see how they are doing, shall we?

...on second thought...So Miu decides she will teach Ren in the ways of the DearS. She cooks a meal while Ren watches and then decides to decorate the place to make it more relaxing for the main character. 

Maybe more relaxing for a girl but I don't think the stuffed animals and flowers are his thing. 
The hunt is on to capture Ren since she is defective and another character enters the team.

After making it halfway I'll say that this show is cute so far. The teacher is funny, in a sexual harassment kinda way, Ren is clueless, and Miu is a bit bossy. We'll see how things go.

DearS - 5


Episode 5


Miu lets the main character know exactly what Ren being his slave means. The teacher would probably be into that.

Ahem.....moving on. Miu calls Ren's incompetence an annoyance. 

(...that pic's half cute, half creepy)  Miu tries to teach Ren how to clean in the classroom, and while trying to help, Ren floats everything in the room. This winds up getting someone hurt when she is told to stop and we again see the E.T. affect on said injured person. 

Miu winds up reporting Ren for being imperfect and there is talk of retraining her. 

DearS - 4


Episode 4

Just sayin hi again...

Teach is even saying hi to herself, what a friendly group of people.

Well, the real student (Miu) shows up and challenges Ren to a competition to see who should stay as the DearS transfer student. Turns out Ren fails at everything including cooking. Miu sees students passing out after tasting Ren's cooking and decides she loses because Ren's food is so good it makes you faint. However everyone decides both should stay.